acknowledge that the monarchy or republic debate has never been among my main concerns, and that constitutional questions seems more urgent for example the establishment of a federal system that allows close once the territorial debate. But it is also clear that I consider that a rational and calm reasoning should lead to only one solution: the establishment of the Third English Republic.
others and I guess in old times in history, the monarchy could act as a driver or as a system valid decision-making, in line with the ideas, needs and attitudes. But the arrival of modernity and the basic application of the principle of equality before the law do not hold a formula that assumes a privileged status to a person and his relatives by a long history of trouble in bed, mixing of blood and decisions divine.
Let us be serious. The monarchy of which we enjoy today is, above all, a mere stage liturgy, a Vanity Fair designed to fill hours of televchoisión pink and coated pages, full color. And plenty to talk about as essential as the operations of the Princess of Asturias, the colleges of the kids or possibilities of such a succession Leonor. As traditional symbolic expression, I think the monarchy has confused the country, trying to settle in a country that has yet to resolve important questions about its own identity. As a referee or neutralizing power, is clearly not the shots are out there, and that our Constitution practical meaningless figure of the monarch. As advertising and image, beyond the world of international heart, has served us well for the opposite effect on more serious subjects, from international relations and the friendly but certainly out of order "why do not you shut up?" the condemnation of the United overprotective of Spain for the king and thus can break the principles of equality before the law and proportionality of penalties in the European Court of Human Rights. Providing, of course, a victory for Otegi media.
They said in the years of transition in Spain were not ready for a new republic, we are unable to accept as President who comes from the ranks contrary. I deny most: Spain is a serious and mature (although sometimes their media, courts and politicians endeavor to disprove), inhabited by rational and responsible people, as capable as any defender sus valores y su sensatez.
Y sólo hay un sistema que pueda garantizar la racionalidad, el procedimiento democrático, la igualdad de los ciudadanos ante la ley. Y ese sistema es el republicano.
Así que desde este Santander Posible, un voto abierto y claro a favor de la Tercera República Española.
Salud y República.
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