Menos mal que The Mayor está siempre a la cabeza de Gothander para poner las cosas en su sitio. Y es que ya sabemos que sin él esta ciudad no sería la misma (eso, desde luego) and you have to do it all, from capturing thieves to save babies from asthma to patch flags (two-color maximum) and retail companies as well despatrimonializar municipal and public property. And on top looks good on the poster that says La Trini, this neighbor of hairstyles and wicks impossible that accompanies him on trips by the new municipal works when the Electoral Board openings and to prohibit visits by mayors. Or at least what he says from a helping hand that placed the child.
Anyway, as are the days where we are, listening to the ballads and plays silly touches, The Mayor (oh, oh, sorry but is that is to pronounce the holy name and admiring sighs escape me) has been telling us some interesting cosucas molado me much. For example, he tells us to be standing for election with 300 steps is well aware that you are able to meet and will not be playing to the gallery. A novelty that PB Santander tell us what to do before going to the polls, because in general, gives two strokes and then studies the programs outside to see what they like and make a city project and disjointed and difficult to return.
Because what the toast to the sun has not gone well. And that climate change that will eventually have a Solete being the envy of Marbella. But I think that The Mayor always liked to give the cloud. So when he decided to sell hollow illusion once again delved into foreign pages to find proposals of others who were immersed in a larger project of which of course did not even notice. And in the midst of financial crisis and we wanted to place it in the Santander 2016 for friends to gain much, but a lot of money, leaving nothing, but nothing in return. And once given the sun and created the problem, will now come again (say the movie of the season will be "The Mayor Comes Back") and we're going to solve. Without recovering, so no, not the money drawn or lost times occasions or belittled.
and reaches for it by proposing is basically a computer that already had a few small changes to those presented as managers, technicians and specialists with no political experience.
Come on, develop projects for the good citizen is not politics. And so we try to convince citizens that the new Camps are not like other raleas those of the petty politicians who abhor the TDTParty. And of course, as there are political, not really know what will or function or the City Hall officials, who are supposed to be there to solve problems everyday and to shape future projects city leaders want to articulate. Incidentally, according to their training, to be technical, management or professional means exclusively derived from technical education that he promoted him so much. Without that we know well who is technically in culture, education, social welfare, equality and many other major areas of civic policies within their team. Or maybe is all that is secondary and what question is to build and build according to what floor liberalization for several years and the General Plan allow several weeks ago to exhaust the possibilities of growth of the city , before you can get someone trying to build a city with civic parameters rather than speculative.
But in the end.
That The Mayor rules and rocks and returns. If not for him, oh, oh.
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