Only once have I talked with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. At that time I chaired the LGBT group of Cantabria and was invited to the headquarters of the street Bonifaz a meeting Santander that the newly elected Secretary General of the English Socialist Party wanted to keep up with social organizations in the region. I've always been shy, and I was almost ready to take the floor and not just listen. But when the act was closing up my hand and introduced myself to reproach shyness, lack of decision that the PSOE faced equality for LGBT people, and ended by saying that the words were indeed different, but cost us the same effort to get a law partner of autonomy of the popular socialist. Look, we still thought of partners in regional legislation, or that he was talking about the Middle Paleolithic.
Soon after, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero led the project with the PSOE government returned to Spain after eight years. And a year just to start this new phase of government, the Congress of Deputies, with the vast majority of which intended expressly to be absent the Popular Party, adopted the civil code that allowed for the first time in the history of Spain and third in the World marriage between same sex, in full legal equality. That day, President Zapatero up to the rostrum of the House of Representatives to begin a beautiful and brilliant speech began thus, "Spain is now a more decent country. "
could not be present in any of the two days that required Congress to vote on the law first and to lift the veto of the Senate later. But I remember crying a lot in my house watching in the news some interventions such as the companion Carmen Monton, the final vote, the proclamation of the agreement and the speech of Prime Minister. I remember crying because I felt that day, they may for the first time a comprehensive, full, alive , clean and worthy in a society that had always turned his face from me. And that in spite of continuing to live in a city for which I remain institutionally invisible someone without value, or would a councilor of municipal government team with the same value as a whore. Someone who does not deserve a gesture or a statement of support from the city where he lives. But the way things are.
I know that these days, maybe in a few issues with reason, it has become fashionable in Spain shooting the president. The style of the U.S. Fox News, information networks have been taken by assault by professional handlers serving stale and dangerous values. With an opposition that might have done better to pitch in at times of special importance to roar preferred are marking opinionated and baste delivered their speeches poisoned with constant accusations of treason and thereafter.
I am, I have been critical of certain attitudes and actions of the government they voted in 2004 and 2008. And they would vote without wobbling or hesitation in 2012 is presented to the renovation. But it will be too busy the prophets of disaster while happily provide the notice of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero not to stand as candidate in the upcoming electoral process by listing the faults and weaknesses and flaws and weaknesses becoming the first and greatest virtues and commitments from Leon to open another front here. Suffice briefly say that the delay in assuming the arrival of the crisis, not to mention lost time clear to the citizens to ask for your commitment, and self-absorption has made some progress loose bleeding social-harassment of immigrants, for example, clouds are for me ugly appearance yet will not make me take back the thanks that I leave here today continuing the initiatives, progress and freedom of management-led government for two terms by Rodriguez Zapatero.
I remember the Equality Act, all steps in the path of equality and not only legal but mainly social and cultural gap between men and women. The effort to convert the scourge of gender violence in one of the first and most urgent problems of the political agenda. I remember the laws that have been firming up the floor for equality for LGBT people, the first marriage, the gender identity later, the equity of treatment in which they are working. I see every day how the lives of many people in my neighborhood has improved with the Law Unit and the proper management of the same for my region. I appreciate the effort to modernize the productive and energetic. Yes, thank you for trying by all means, including dialogue, and as it was required, the end of ETA terrorism. And thanks for having allowed nearly a million people living on the margins of our country to regularize their status, despite how hard it has remained the way for immigrants, a hardness that knew him well in the time spent on trying to Leo came to Spain and I did with paper and dignity.
want to thank José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, yes, his voice clear and high. Because thanks to its commitment to active citizenship, equality, and modernity and progress have often been proud to be English, and received with a big smile the comments of so many foreign friends for which our country was becoming a benchmark for social progress. Despite the crisis that put the brakes on so much hope, despite the confusion that rolled over and sank into pessimism that so many voices and many ideals. Despite having to fight every day against the insidious and constant assaults.
Thank you, Chairman.
Or as an Italian film filmmaker Sabina Guzzanti, proposing to our president who is committed and then clear in its commitment to the left as alternative to the bizarre and perverted Berlusconi, Viva Zapatero!
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