certainly Ana Mato is one of the most unique plumbing products factory Genoese. And so I guess there will not be taken too seriously its subtle analysis of political reality. If you do not know what is happening in your garage vaguely aware of riddles will be trivial as the "presumption of innocence" or the "separation of powers." Not that these values \u200b\u200boutside it to live better, and that despite your resume to us has a BA in Political Science and her only professional work outside the walls of the house ppopular has been a commendable job as the tutor UNED.
And in these days when the Valladolid famous clan has become a quack to the sound that marks the head for laughing at the memory of the citizens, tell us that they never negotiated with ETA, sorry, the Basque National Liberation Movement, and the same and took some of the conditions of terrorists as prisoners approach, and incidentally continue this bastard use of terrorism as a weapon against the Government of Spain that we have so acosttumbrados.
of hyperbole in this context has left the Mato. That has already been responsible for prosecuting itself to the components of the coalition Bildu and proclaim themselves part of ETA or if. No presumption of innocence is worth, and no possibility of defense. And that we did not know the girl was proclaimed judge of the Audiencia Nacional.
And since Bildu is yes or if a terrorist network (Eusko Alkartasuna has been being a legal party, pretty nasty but legal, even in the worst Aznarato obsessions of the time, and adds a split another legal party, Izquierda Unida). The Government should prevent this in the elections. Not the judiciary, no. The Government. Why is it that the division of powers, control of abuse of power and guarantees for citizens and more so for fundamental rights I must look like an antique Ana that has nothing to do with his extensive political experience from aisle to aisle.
Because obviously, if the government does not act by military and those of Bildu sent to the galleys, the Socialists will be responsible for what happens and happened with ANV and the Basque institutions are filled with "murderers" . Discovering a new offense of such genius, that of the murderer who has not killed anyone. Or maybe is that the girl is a fan of Cruise and want to make our country a Minority Report anyone. Although what really is a pity that some of these murderers and killers (either largely unsympathetic and many of them for my delicate palate directly emetics) present a complaint for libel against reputed deputy.
"Presumption of innocence? Separation of powers? "Respect for fundamental rights? It is going to be no, Ana Mato coated Katherine Hepburn becomes stronger as the basis of state rifle and bible.
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