Last Saturday, in La Noria, our unique regional president had a meeting, unpleasant, of course, Isabel DurĂ¡n. One of those journalists who have made the call, handling and rude style book on the waves of DTT Party.
Revilla may have learned something from the experience. So far I had obtained huge profits in image and vows to sell the character string to string so many years has been building. But from his early and successful appearances in La Noria was a matter of time for the first time to free political advertising time will add some unpleasant episode. And that was the one that came with the Duran.
As we have seen and heard, Revilla have once again been invited to join in a discussion table for two, face to face on the news, I do not know if agreed themed. And so began the battle, with the usual self-confidence of Revilla to an Elizabeth Duran despite their hysterical tendencies remained mysteriously silent. Closed turn, attacked the journalist, not to answer the question but so that, after a self-laudatory introitus ("I did come with the homework done"), attacking the President of Cantabria for his past in the vertical unions, accusing him of lying and detailing a press interview in which Revilla movement sang the praises of the target units in the universal.
went crazy from the time the circus show. Revilla recalled that his past has never denied and denounced turn that Duran had been preparing the meeting with Nacho Diego in Comillas. The journalist suffered spongiform attacks in which as loud, as usual, and not allowed to speak to anyone else, as usual, accused Revilla de Franco and liar, and by the way, controlled spy fascist movements Isabel was poor, missing more, due to meet in Comillas, with whom he wanted. Showing his skills as an actress in its limited theatrical movements: cynical smile, cry panic, and anger filled haughty contempt for the opposite.
guess Revilla have learned that, as they sang The Secrets in the sad voice of Enrique Urquijo, "there's always a price you pay." And sometimes the deals of propaganda have cats locked in the waters of the wheel. I also suppose that Isabel Duran will not have learned anything, even education. And is that when you get your rudeness hypocritical as profitable (for much less, she left the set of La Noria few months ago, calling for his wound dignity), what are you going to let a few crumbs of civilization polluting the purity of your arrogance, immovable strength of your prejudices, the stony grounds of your screams?
sorry spectacle we live, by Toutatis.
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