In previous articles I showed you a little in my view and take a picture. On this occasion it was more of an exercise.
is important to keep learning, looking for different things, exercising compositions or concepts than those usually used
to ask when taking a picture, in most cases, spectacular scenery and unique look. But in the end we ended up playing with the same keys. Whether
Barrika in Playa del Silencio or Cabo de Gata, if at the end compose in the same way, we will always have the same photo. Sometimes we exaggerate the concept of an object in the corner of the foreground.
I want to introduce a composition without any distinctive feature, but looking to get a shot striking movement.
is clear that in these cases the repetition of shots is needed until we get the desired effect.
As you can see in the next video we have a small plate layer facing the sea.
not look like much, but if we are patient enough water the effect of making that leap can give us a shot and strongly suggestive.

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