"Last night, going for a walk, I saw a firefly in the crevice of a wall."
Perhaps the first surprise in the face of reading The Moro case is the lyric of the firefly interview Sicilian overnight close in time to writing the text (1978). A brilliant start in the small visitor Sciascia light allows Passolini evoke an article about the disappearance of fireflies as a phenomenon that would have marked a before and after in the history of Italy. And the fireflies as Pasolini, a fierce criticism against Il Palazzo, power, which focuses the same article of the filmmaker.
Led by Sciascia and Pasolini, the Sicilian writer leads to the presentation of the particular language of Il Palazzo, to perversions, elisions and double meanings of a communication code itself of a political class turned into self-referential spiral, a code known Sciascia nuanced and detailed analysis of several of the Aldo Moro sent letters to friends, family and colleagues of the Christian Democrats during his captivity as a hostage of the Red Brigades, time in which be judged by the terrorist organization and sentenced to death. Condemns , as we all know, ended with his murder.
reading I come to the Moro case , recently reissued Tusquets, on the recommendation of Jesús Cabezón. And page after page I am driven by the lucid analytical process to which a front-row witness hot and still subject to the spaces in the shadow of the kidnapping and murder of Moro. Developed by their own perspectives on corruption, mafia and power in contemporary Italy in a kind of critical consciousness universally acknowledged, Sciascia leads to big questions unanswered. Why the Italian police was so awkward and absurd in their research? Revealed " Moro's letters really the presence of a man destroyed or too-the language of the Palazzo-mail, criticism and accusations cleverly encrypted? Could the government coalition between Christian Democrats and the Italian Communist Party, tissue from the ability of Moro, have prevented the crime? Is it permissible to invoke a state that is not the concept of "reason of state"?
During the just under two hundred pages now relive the day to day, in the case, on a trip in time to 78 in which to close your eyes remember the pictures that we saw on television during adolescence. Penetrate also in deep pain and confusion Aldo Moro, to the terrible neglect of which is the subject for his friends . And in the absurd logic of the Palazzo, in need of a power that is justified only by their desire to be and eternal.
How sad signs recognize the process of this manipulation of reality, of this re-articulation of language, caste as a commitment to define a terrible inaccessible Palazzo. Al's Italy then, the Spain of today.
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