Monday, December 14, 2009

Do They Still Make Softride Bikes

The Ministry of Environment did absolutely nothing

Many disappointment when we saw the weekend a crew came to 13/12/1909 clinch the Mijao once leafy tree in the corner of Clinical Razzetti.

to the suckers who were born in the foot were amputees.

The sad thing is that the authorities are complacent about this situation, we denounced the website of the Ministry called the 0212-408-11-11 And nothing.

Visit our notice when we denounce the first time this "ecocide."

Monday, November 9, 2009

Boats For Sale Inbatween 18,000 And25,000

Caraqueños should not forget San Sousi

The city keeps the first book of minutes of council and see the time in the oldest mechanical clock is running, dating from the nineteenth century

The city saved in the little room behind the kitchen of her older stuff, but continue using them and displaying them. Its inhabitants can still see the time on a clock-nineteenth century, work on the first building that exceeded ten levels and walk through the mall has older escalators.

The chronicler of Caracas, William Durand, memory instead prefers to call history and see with dismay that the unknown heirs. It is said that the capital retains very little of what was first, and it is true, but much has been recorded in books and photographs. Durand has a list of the oldest.

The ENAR square. In the foreground of Caracas, which conducted ENAR Diego in 1578, shows a central plaza, as related by Durand, was just a piece of land that was empty. It was not until 1753, during the reign of Francisco Ricardos, when given the finishing square.

was known as the Plaza Mayor, the cathedral and the market. In 1876 he placed the statue of the Liberator.

The Book of Caracas.

archive file in the Libertador municipality lies the oldest book of the city. It is the first volume of the proceedings of the Cabildo de Caracas dating from 1573. The reporter noted that if there are no other prior knowledge. The content was transcribed in 1943. So far there are 14 volumes backed up.

smoking. Fray Antonio González de Acuña in 1676 gives the first ban on smoking. The order restricts the use of "smoke snuff" in churches, vestries and around temples. Who went to Communion could not smoke from one and a half earlier.

Stairs for the day.

Zingg The passage, which still exists on the corner of Columbus and Camejo, was the first shopping center and also the first to have escalators. Durand said that the building dates from 1939, but was in 1953 when they installed the stairs: "They caused a stir in the children and parents had to take them to spend the afternoon in the passage to be ridden." The two steps are, but do not work.

The time of the nineteenth century.

The first mechanical clock arrived in Caracas in 1637, when the headquarters moved Archbishop of Coro, and was installed in the cathedral. In 1888 placed where it is now. Previously, the device reproduces the national anthem and "Alma Llanera."

The Bocardo compensation.

In 1919 the theater burned Caracas, was left at the corner of Veroes. Its owner, Joseph Bocardo, received 300,000 compensation Bs, the first of the city. The company that paid him was probably the Previsora.

The opening funeral.

The bodies of Gen. Guillermo Flores Bonifacio Goiticoa and member of the marching band of Caracas, were the first two to be buried in the Cementerio General del Sur, on 5 July 1876. Goiticoa's grave still exists.

higher towers. The Majestic Hotel was the tallest building in the city, with eight floors, the first half of the twentieth century. Firefighters used it to practice rescues from heights, but in 1942 was demolished to build the Towers of Silence.

are the oldest in the city of over 20 stories.

Source: Carlos José Faigil

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cervix Is High And Open

Orchestra Tribute to Caracas in Caracas in retrospect

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Whatsbetteraclosed Subwooferor Open

Facebook We are in two areas with excellent pictures of Caracas of all ages.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Minute Maid Heart Wise Nz

Caracas water rationing begins

rationing water during the current dry season by what they call "weather phenomenon El Nino, starting next Monday, 2 November. Hidrocapital presented the schedule of the supply for different areas of Caracas.


Monday, October 26, 2009 11:38 Edelsy
Hidrocapital Carrillo presented the schedule of the special supply of drinking water in Caracas. The initiation of this plan, which seeks to raise awareness on water use and resist the product dry season the weather phenomenon El Niño, will begin next Monday, 2 November.

Mondays: people in the top of the coffee plantation, Santa Ana, Santa Clara, Macaracuay, Topo Parcelamiento Murachi, Upper of Tequeteque, Lomas de Maturin, Santa Paula, Colinas de San Román, Tamanaco Hills, Vizcaya and San Luis will not have water service.

So the people of the lower part of the Coffee Plantation, Caurimare, Colinas de Los Ruices, Lomas de Chuao and Hagia Sophia, Lomas del Mirador, Santa Marta, Santa Inés and upper Lomas de San Román . Santa Monica to Lisandro Alvarado Avenue, Los Chaguaramos, Colinas de Bello Monte, west of Mercy, lower Valle Arriba, San Román and Santa Rosa de Lima. And people southwest of the Hippodrome, Polyhedron, The Maya, Puerto Escondido Turmerito and will have no water supply Monday.

Wednesdays: The inhabitants of the valley below and the lower part of Las Acacias. Sorocaima, middle of the bakery, Las Minas de Baruta, bottom of La Esmeralda, Lomas de La Trinidad, Charallavito, La Bonita, Los Samanes, Guaicay, Terrazas de Santa Inés, top of the Rock, Club Terrace and Lomas Equestrian.

On Thursday, residents of UD-1, UD-2, UD-3, UD-4, UD-5, UD-6, CC-2, Terrazas de Caricuao, UP-3, Andrew Bello, Guaicaipuro, Garcia Carvallo, Juan XXIII, The Onoto, La Ceiba, the module and Juan Gonzalez. The southern part of Los Jardines de El Valle, from the street 17 at 1, the Private Alberto Ravell and Longaray blocks.

low network Fuerte Tiuna, including the Military Academy, EFOFAC, Battalion Bolivar Fuerte Command, Military Police, stables, part of the Hospitality, Conscrito Battalion and the 3rd part. Infantry Division.

Saturdays and Sundays: The lower parts of Altamira, La Castellana and Sebucán, Chacao, Campo Alegre, La Floresta, Golf course, The Country Houses of Lourdes, Bello Campo, Santa Cecilia, La Carlota, Los Dos Caminos .

As Los Ruices, the lower part of Los Chorros, Montecristo, Boleite, Horizon, El Marqués, Urbanización El Llanito Urbanización La Urbina, Lebrún Urbanization, La Laguna, El Dorado, Buena Vista, the Old Colonial Petare, Urbanización Buenos Aires, Macaracuay and hills of California, rationing will have water service from 2 November.

Sundays: Blocks of Silence, Lecuna Avenue from El Silencio to Curamichate corner, the Centro Simon Bolivar Boulevard de Sabana Grande, Avenida Casanova, Solano Avenue, around the Zona Rental Plaza Venezuela, south of the Avenida Casanova Street San Antonio, El Colegio Los Mangos, El Recreo, Bolulevard Chacaito, El Bosque, Las Delicias, Los Caobos, part of southern Maripérez, College of Engineering, Fine Arts Museum, Museum of Science, Hotel Alba Caracas, Candelaria south.

Sunday also will be limited in providing the bottom of San Bernardino, Avenida Los Anauco, Avenida Las Acacias, lower Florida, the Countryside and Bello Monte, near the Zona Rental, Plaza Venezuela and Monte Bello.


Recommendations of President Chavez to manage the rationing

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Markon Alternator Heads

Hidrocapital left abandoned work in Fine Arts Touring Caracas

This work has more than one month and not completed, no information yesterday (10/21/1909) workers had not only the hole and tierrero in the street, traffic chaos in the area is huge, residents have been seriously affected.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dark Stalkers Italiano

The Heroes

Plaza La Hoyada, Metro station

The Park

Caracas has many public spaces with different degrees of intervention by man on these areas. The majority and the largest public squares located in the Libertador municipality, the first being the Plaza Mayor of Caracas dating from the founding of the city in 1567, now known as Plaza Bolivar.

There are other important historical and the Plaza El Venezolano, Plaza La Candelaria, but also highlight some more recent and visited as the Plaza Francia and Plaza Alfredo Sadel east of the city.

With regard to the parks are for different purposes, there are two large national parks, El Avila Coordillera which occupies the north of the city that separates the Caribbean Sea, reaching an altitude of 2,765 meters and on the other National Park is located Macarao southwestern metropolitan area.

There are also recreational parks or walking, the first was the Calvary and then the Park the Caobos, the largest of this type are the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda (Parque del Este) and Jovito Villalba (Park West) . Caracas has a zoo, that of Caricuao and the El Pinar. There is also a Botanical Garden (UCV).

The Municipio El Hatillo is the smallest number of squares and public parks have to Caracas, but has protected zones, designated as such since 1979. They cover an area of \u200b\u200b69,300 ha in all boundary of the south, southeast and west of the city, but are not commonly accessible, nor have the services to be used as parks.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Good Metal Core Scooter Wheels

Macaracuay cut down trees in Plaza de San Jacinto

Other environmental crime on the street behind the Macaracuay San Jose Plaza, there is a building residences Hill, it turns out, as have neighbors from the condominium board ordered to cut several trees Eucalyptus (pictured), who had more than 30 years lush and beautiful, what a pity.

We must condemn this because people who do this must be punished and apply the law.

What to do if you are cutting down a tree?

Neighbor not allow the felling of our trees . Ecocidal denounces. You can stop as follows:

1 .- Call these numbers, identify yourself as an environmentalist, resident of the parish and provides the location endangered tree (urban, street, avenue, point)
-Ministry of Environment. 0800AMBIENTE (24 hours attention). E n Municio Sucre is the Institute for Protection and Sanitation, Tel: 2373596, 6326001, 2380387, 2378283.

2 .- If you can do so safely take photos and / or take note of their names or the plate of the car-trucks that are using or any other information that allows identification.

3 .- Taking the necessary precautionary measures, keep the tree the loggers to ask if the permission from the Ministry of Environment (the mayor and the parish council can not give permission for logging).
If they do not or refuse to show it will remind them to pay a fine of 500 to 2500 UT (Bs 27,500 to 137,500) for illegal logging. (Forest Act, s. 109)

4 .- invites neighbors to join you in the defense of the tree and to require a firm ecocidal not to cut down the tree until they reach the authorities.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wrestling High School Gay

Plaza built following the demolition the convent of San Jacinto in 1866, known as El Venezolano by a statue of Antonio Leocadio Guzman had at its center. On the south side was the beach of San Jacinto market. With the demolition of the market in 1953, the deadline is extended to acquire the current dimensions.

This sundial built in 1802 by Alexander von Humboldt's idea. Moved to corner the market of San Jacinto in 1866, was again placed in the middle of the plaza in the 1950's.
More Caracas

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shaking The Stomach Flu

old Caracas Photos

me, my Dad, looking in a corner of the library found a book called "Just Yesterday, "published by The Neumann Foundation, which has photos of the famous photographer Luis F. Toro.
As I know this blog, I lent it to get interesting images that have to do with Caracas, we will gradually placed in these spaces.

The first picture I can not tell that the pictures that adorned the lobby of the Hotel Majestic was painted by my grandfather, the painter Vicente García Mendible. Unfortunately when the hotel was demolished lost these works, they do not know if anyone reading this knows the whereabouts of any of them, please send us an email: .

Hotel Majestic, a parade of British sailors

General Juan Vicente Gomez, Paradise Racetrack

Parque Los Caobos, 1928