The beautiful photo is called Thor. When he left in the kennel was so terrified of men who went into collapse and was not even able to walk. Who knows what history of sadistic brutality entailed the spine. Sonia Berto picked him up and two of those fighters who are leaving the skin in the salvation of the dogs to their alleged best friends left lying like a waste when they ceased to serve any or started to bother. Two wrestlers especially sensitive to the suffering of dogs hunting in general and in particular setters were invented a little paradise, Setterland and a protective association, SOS Setter. Yes, this little paradise where Thor regained his strength and joy, he discovered that there was another life beyond the boxes and beatings, he found safety and sweetness, and at last! found a family worthy of those eyes full of tenderness.
sure you do not call too much attention to the readers of this blog know that almost all abandoned hunting dogs have no ID chip. Although this chip is at least in Cantabria, mandatory. The absence of chip we are alarmed at the more than possible evidence that the dog never visited a veterinary consultation. A declaration of intent by the owner, someone who knows from the outset that comes into possession of a tool that will throw them away or kill as no longer useful, and if that is the goal why trace? Things have been getting very bad and now there are administrative and criminal sanctions against abuse and neglect. Although both the Administration and the judges have the nice habit of turning a blind eye.
There was a time when I thought of adopting Pol, who would resist? I also spoke to Isis a few months ago, a cachorrina English setter also drinks best winds today. Although the end was Gin which came to my home to ask Glenda competition. I will tell you and the baby. And I guess at that time also opened a door that forced me to get my act together to end the suffering of these dogs and try to contribute to the economic plight of the little paradise of Setterland not so hard. Because it is an initiative that truly deserves our support.
And the bad thing is that when I put the batteries begin to concoct absurd ideas and difficult questions. Like what part of the responsibility assumed by the Government of Cantabria, responsible for policy and management related to hunting in the breaches of administrative rules regarding pet ownership. The what part of the costs incurred by the animal welfare groups are willing to assume or take on as part of their guilt in watching.
So I happened to throw in my blog a couple of ideas to the air, if I read the Minister Oria.
1. The rules on hunting licenses and contracts should be conditional upon presentation of card duly stamped by a veterinary college and record the registration number of their chips. If identified there are no dogs, no item.
2. Rates and moving money from hunting (and significantly) a percentage should be reserved for the signature of agreements with protective associations (associations have said, no kennels, we do not talk to kill but to save dogs in good condition) permitting the maintenance of its facilities (under control, we will not meet CAPAB otherwise), maintenance of dogs and veterinary control, including sterilization.
3. Of course, be pursued at once and under current legislation the abandonment of dogs, and be punished their abuse. Which is now playing.
Open to your opinions and suggestions, as always, I take to make you a request. SOS Setter is up to the neck at this point: they are saturated with dogs and you have to take charge in these days of several more to be sent to boarding kennels because they no longer have room (and have several dogs in residence status). Food, veterinary, sterilizations and residences ... too many expenses for only two wrestlers.
I'm sure you've already caught but ... if you can not take care of one of their dogs for adoption or in foster care, sure you can pay financial support small or large, or "scholarships" to one of the rescued. Yes? From a euro to whatever you want and you can all help. By the way, I leave the account of the association in Caja Madrid.
Account holder: Sos Setter
Number: 2038 9306 17 3001631678
If you want more, check out their website: www.sossetter.com
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