Muchos conocemos al Padre Ángel. Yo le conocí cuando tenía 20 años -¡y pronto cumpliré 60! cuando empezaba a crear pisos o casa-familia para niños que no la tenían. Siempre recordaré a María y a sus cuatro hermanitos, cada uno de un padre. Y de los cambios que fueron teniendo. Limpiamos más de una vez alguna de sus cosas pues varias amigas, hermanas de la Asunción, llevaban ese Hogar. Hoy, al ver en su Bitácora este testimonio os lo he copiado. ¡Vidas así son claro testimonio de que de los Small is the Kingdom.
dear and unforgettable Menchu, mother of thousands of children
05/21/2009 @ 17:18:25. Filed in International Cooperation
just two months ago Carmen Herrero received the love and homage of his friends, his city, of all Asturias. Reconquista Hotel that night became united in the heart of Oviedo, Spain, the world. A Infanta of Spain, an Archbishop, officials, employees, all friends, fans that the little big woman surrounded by love. And she wasted yours in abundance with all those present, which is saying, because Carmen Herrero had-has-a great capacity for love.
At times many tasted bittersweet. We saw and felt in the heart, physical deterioration, but we thought that their intellectual lucidity and especially the strength of his spirit were to hold forever. It has not been.
I remember, microphone in hand, in wheelchair, smiling in a blue gown, like a Virgin. The strength of eyes, his energy, worked the miracle overshadow her wrinkles, her trembling hand, the weakness of his legs, and as the Virgin, it seemed as if he enjoyed eternal youth. To hear it I figured to see that Carmen Herrero, restless and full of life, I met in the same place for over 40 years.
Carmen Herrero and I met in the building that now houses the Hotel Reconquista, when it was the old hospice of Oviedo. Now is a beautiful place, full of warmth and hospitality with lavish furnishings and rugs, knotted. So it was not, is not it Carmen?.
was for many years, say. I got there when I was a newly ordained priest as chaplain at the orphanage. Although they were the same walls, was a sad, cold and wet, there was no hot water or heating. Children, orphans then, things were stigmatized, which were recognized on the street for their dress, their mandilón blue, his hair cut to zero and his eyes dull. Were often assigned the finger.
then Carmen did nothing but follow the impulse of his heart, and get them out so they could live in houses like the other children go to school like other children and that as others know they had a home to which they belonged, where they could love and feel loved.
Carmen founded the great family of New Future. He was a pioneer, one of the first women to see the situation of children without family, his abandonment on the streets, its crowded inmates then, the loneliness of the children of prisoners. Not only wanted to make changes in those hospitals and orphanages, but to change the boarding school for foster care.
faced by all this, always with gentleness, but with the genius that give the land of Asturias, to the Administration, to be changed laws, and rules to get rid of those uniforms and hair clippers that zero children.
Carmen Smith has been more-is-that the founder and president of New Future, has been the mother, the midwife, as thousands of children worldwide
I do not know if the holy will. San Jose, which Carmen was so devoted, it may be a good supporter for the canonized and come to the altar. But if I dare I say on behalf of many of those who knew and loved, which was almost the same, almost not necessary to spend money on beatification cause, or to show miracles after her death, and because she did in life.
Carmen Herrero spent his life fighting for equality, education and the lives of vulnerable children, an effort that shines, a glow that anything or anyone, can overshadow. Firmly and always got a smile in their struggle to involve broad sections of society, from top to bottom, or vice versa, from the Royal Family to the plainer houses.
Carmen Herrero was one of the women I've met that has believed in God and men, and thus was able to move mountains with faith, as the Bible says.
May God bless you and Santina de Covadonga protect your children, your homes, and all of us, dear and unforgettable Menchu!
Father Angel Garcia
President and Founder of the Messengers of Peace Association
Prince of Asturias Award for Concord
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