Caobos The Park
Caracas has many public spaces with different degrees of intervention by man on these areas. The majority and the largest public squares located in the Libertador municipality, the first being the Plaza Mayor of Caracas dating from the founding of the city in 1567, now known as Plaza Bolivar.
There are other important historical and the Plaza El Venezolano, Plaza La Candelaria, but also highlight some more recent and visited as the Plaza Francia and Plaza Alfredo Sadel east of the city.
With regard to the parks are for different purposes, there are two large national parks, El Avila Coordillera which occupies the north of the city that separates the Caribbean Sea, reaching an altitude of 2,765 meters and on the other National Park is located Macarao southwestern metropolitan area.
There are also recreational parks or walking, the first was the Calvary and then the Park the Caobos, the largest of this type are the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda (Parque del Este) and Jovito Villalba (Park West) . Caracas has a zoo, that of Caricuao and the El Pinar. There is also a Botanical Garden (UCV).
The Municipio El Hatillo is the smallest number of squares and public parks have to Caracas, but has protected zones, designated as such since 1979. They cover an area of \u200b\u200b69,300 ha in all boundary of the south, southeast and west of the city, but are not commonly accessible, nor have the services to be used as parks.
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