Caracas water rationing begins
rationing water during the current dry season by what they call "weather phenomenon El Nino, starting next Monday, 2 November. Hidrocapital presented the schedule of the supply for different areas of Caracas.
Monday, October 26, 2009 11:38 Edelsy
Hidrocapital Carrillo presented the schedule of the special supply of drinking water in Caracas. The initiation of this plan, which seeks to raise awareness on water use and resist the product dry season the weather phenomenon El Niño, will begin next Monday, 2 November.
Mondays: people in the top of the coffee plantation, Santa Ana, Santa Clara, Macaracuay, Topo Parcelamiento Murachi, Upper of Tequeteque, Lomas de Maturin, Santa Paula, Colinas de San Román, Tamanaco Hills, Vizcaya and San Luis will not have water service.
So the people of the lower part of the Coffee Plantation, Caurimare, Colinas de Los Ruices, Lomas de Chuao and Hagia Sophia, Lomas del Mirador, Santa Marta, Santa Inés and upper Lomas de San Román . Santa Monica to Lisandro Alvarado Avenue, Los Chaguaramos, Colinas de Bello Monte, west of Mercy, lower Valle Arriba, San Román and Santa Rosa de Lima. And people southwest of the Hippodrome, Polyhedron, The Maya, Puerto Escondido Turmerito and will have no water supply Monday.
Wednesdays: The inhabitants of the valley below and the lower part of Las Acacias. Sorocaima, middle of the bakery, Las Minas de Baruta, bottom of La Esmeralda, Lomas de La Trinidad, Charallavito, La Bonita, Los Samanes, Guaicay, Terrazas de Santa Inés, top of the Rock, Club Terrace and Lomas Equestrian.
On Thursday, residents of UD-1, UD-2, UD-3, UD-4, UD-5, UD-6, CC-2, Terrazas de Caricuao, UP-3, Andrew Bello, Guaicaipuro, Garcia Carvallo, Juan XXIII, The Onoto, La Ceiba, the module and Juan Gonzalez. The southern part of Los Jardines de El Valle, from the street 17 at 1, the Private Alberto Ravell and Longaray blocks.
low network Fuerte Tiuna, including the Military Academy, EFOFAC, Battalion Bolivar Fuerte Command, Military Police, stables, part of the Hospitality, Conscrito Battalion and the 3rd part. Infantry Division.
Saturdays and Sundays: The lower parts of Altamira, La Castellana and Sebucán, Chacao, Campo Alegre, La Floresta, Golf course, The Country Houses of Lourdes, Bello Campo, Santa Cecilia, La Carlota, Los Dos Caminos .
As Los Ruices, the lower part of Los Chorros, Montecristo, Boleite, Horizon, El Marqués, Urbanización El Llanito Urbanización La Urbina, Lebrún Urbanization, La Laguna, El Dorado, Buena Vista, the Old Colonial Petare, Urbanización Buenos Aires, Macaracuay and hills of California, rationing will have water service from 2 November.
Sundays: Blocks of Silence, Lecuna Avenue from El Silencio to Curamichate corner, the Centro Simon Bolivar Boulevard de Sabana Grande, Avenida Casanova, Solano Avenue, around the Zona Rental Plaza Venezuela, south of the Avenida Casanova Street San Antonio, El Colegio Los Mangos, El Recreo, Bolulevard Chacaito, El Bosque, Las Delicias, Los Caobos, part of southern Maripérez, College of Engineering, Fine Arts Museum, Museum of Science, Hotel Alba Caracas, Candelaria south.
Sunday also will be limited in providing the bottom of San Bernardino, Avenida Los Anauco, Avenida Las Acacias, lower Florida, the Countryside and Bello Monte, near the Zona Rental, Plaza Venezuela and Monte Bello.